Thursday, January 27, 2011

Woodstock Inn Red Rack Ale

So here we go.  My first review to make Hop it up is, Woodstock Inn's Red Rack Ale.  The brewery offers 12 different beers and a root beer, but today we are taking a look at the Red Rack Ale.
Woodstock Inn Brewery is located in Woodstock New Hampshire. Red Rack Ale is considered an American Amber/Red Ale.  

 The appearance of Red rack was a crystal clear amber with a small cream colored head that dissipated relatively quickly. The aroma was surprisingly rich and sweet. It seemed to smell of  raisins with honey and a hint of brandy in the background.

 The flavor of Red Rack was pretty close to the aroma. There was a noticeable buttery, sweet caramel flavor, while still being clean and refreshing.  Red Rack is malty up front, but has a decent malt to hop balance. A very pleasant combination. Flavorful, but finishes easy. There seems to be high carbonation, which can produce a metallic taste, but it worked for me. A medium hoppy bitterness lingers at the very end, which reminded me that I was drinking a craft beer!!  I do recommend you serve this beer cold.  

Over all I give Woodstock Inn Red Rack Ale a B+.

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