Friday, January 28, 2011

Fisherman's IPA

Time to check out a micro-brew.  Tonight I tried Fisherman's IPA which is one of five beers that the Cape Ann Brewing Company offers.  The micro-brewery is located in Gloucester on Cape Ann, Massachusetts.

Fisherman's IPA has a golden amber color, with a thick head that eventually dissipates to lacing (Lacing is the beer head  that sticks to the glass).  It has moderate carbonation and is somewhat hazy in appearance.

Fisherman's has a biscuit, malty aroma, but also carries hints of a floral hops (somewhat earthy).  

When tasting Fisherman's I seemed to get a pretty aggressive hop taste, but it was accompanied by a carmel malt flavor and biscuit finish.  I did however find that the aftertaste was a little watery.

Overall Fisherman's IPA is a medium bodied beer and is not a bad pick for someone who wants to try an IPA for the first time.  It is not overpowering and has some friendly qualities. 

I give Fisherman's IPA an overall grade of B-.

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